SOP for Analyst Validation | Procedure for the Validation of an Analyst

This document details the procedure for the validation of an analyst. It is the policy of Pharmaceuticals/Chemicals that a written procedure shall be followed and its use monitored to ensure that analysts working in the Analytical Division/ Quality Control undergo validation exercises to ensure that testing results provided by him/her are trustworthy.

This procedure is to be applied at the time of joining of new analyst and periodical validation exercise.  


Persons along with their responsibilities are given below:

S. No




Executive – Corporate Quality Assurance

Preparation of SOP for analyst validation.


Manager – Quality Assurance

Implementation of the SOP and interpret the performance of the analyst.


Manager  -    Quality Control

To ensure implementation of SOP.


Manager  – Corporate Quality assurance

To ensure implementation of SOP.

Analyst Validation Procedure

Selection of testing materials

For the first-time validation by the analyst, the material with the supplier’s test report (traceable to an authentic testing agency) shall be taken as the testing material.

Materials already approved by the Analytical Division, Quality Control, or supplier test report (traceable to an authentic testing agency) shall be taken as testing material for routine validation exercises.

How to Become A Validation Analyst | SOP for Analyst Validation

Procedure for validation and Pharmaceutical validation Analyst Job Description

For routine analysis, all analysts shall undergo a validation exercise.

Materials Under test with quality monograph (Standard Test Procedure) shall be provided to each analyst.

Only quantitative tests (Assay and other if any) shall be considered for evaluation exercise but the entire test of STP shall be conducted by each analyst.

The technical / Quality control Manager will give his recommendation to the QA Manager.

The analyst shall provide test results to the Technical / Quality Assurance Manager within the due time of the test period. In case of availability of only one instrument in the Analytical Division / Quality Control time for analysis shall be set accordingly.

Repetition of the test(s) shall not be allowed to the analyst.

After completion of the test, the Technical Manager / Quality Control Manager shall check the test result and fill the record on the CQA/SOP-004/FR-01 Analyst Validation Report (Appendix I).

The technical Manager / Quality Control Manager shall give his recommendation to the QA Manager.

QA Manager shall review the validation report and shall decide on the selection of an analyst for routine analysis. If an analyst fails to qualify for the test, he/she shall undergo re-training on testing equipment and test procedure.

After training analyst shall undergo a re-validation exercise of analyst validation.


The result provided by the analyst shall be cross-checked with the previous result of the material.

If an approved analyst has not tested the material earlier, the supplier report shall be considered as acceptance criteria for the validation exercise.

If the analyst fails to qualify the test, as per the vendor report, another approved analyst confirms the result of the vendor report and shall do a repeat test.

Results must be ±1% for assay and ±0.5% for water/ Loss on Drying.

In case three or more analysts are under evaluation then % Relative Standard Deviation shall be taken for interpretation of the result. The % RSD should not be more than 1% among them.

The result of an analysis should not vary by defined acceptance criteria to the actual result (test report) of the material.

Fill the result in the validation report format on CQA-004/FR-01 Analyst Validation Report (Appendix –I).

Frequency: All existing analysts shall be evaluated once a year and new analysts before starting routine analytical work in the Analytical division.


APL:  Arbro Pharmaceuticals Limited

CQA:  Corporate Quality Assurance

SOP:  Standard Operating Procedure

FR:  Format

HOD:  Head of Department

CCR:  Change Control Reference

RSD:  Relative Standard Deviation

QA:  Quality Assurance

QC:  Quality Control

HR:  Human Resources

No.:  Number

NMT:  Not more than



Analyst Validation Report


Test material:__________________________________________________________________

Test Parameter_________________________________________________________________

Result of test parameter (as per approved test report)___________________________________

Name of Analysts

Result Obtained test parameter




± 1 % for assay

± 0.5% for water loss on drying



















Std Deviation






Limits (for RSD)

NMT 1%

NMT 1%

Comments:     __________________________________________________________________

Result checked by: ___________________________                     Date:   ___________________

(QC Manager/ Manager Technical)

Final Recommendation:

Selected for routine testing           Not Selected for routine testing

Comments:     __________________________________________________________________




Quality Assurance Manager _________      Date : ____________________

Sign. of Analyst:______________________


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