This document details the procedure for the Operation and Calibration of FTIR. It is the policy of XYZ Limited that the written procedure shall be followed for the operation and calibration of FTIR and its use monitored to ensure that the instrument gives consistently accurate and reproducible results in compliance with regulatory requirements.
This procedure is to be applied at the time
of the Operation and Calibration of FTIR.
Persons along with their responsibilities
and accountabilities are given below:
Executive - Corporate Quality Assurance:- To prepare SOP.
Trainee Analyst/ Jr. Analyst/ Analyst/ Sr. Analyst:- To follow the SOP accordingly
Manager-Corporate Quality Assurance:-To ensure implementation of SOP.
Manager - Technical:-To ensure implementation of SOP.
FTIR Standard Operating Procedure
General Instructions
Ensure that the system is
initialized before operation.
Ensure that the KBr used
for sample preparation is free from moisture.
Pellet formation
should be thin and transmittance should not be less than 80%.
Report any discrepancy
observed during the operation and calibration of the instrument to the Section In-charge or
his representative for corrective and preventive action.
Section In-charge or
his representative will take the necessary action and report the same to the Manager
– Quality Assurance.
Affix the ‘Under Maintenance’
label on the FTIR
Ensure that the instrument is clean and free from dust kept
comfortably on a table & a proper stabilized supply of 220V.
Ensure that there is no vibration-forming device kept near the
Check the temperature and humidity of that area.
Never shut down the power of the instrument.
Avoid touching the KBr window or exposing it to moisture-containing
solvent. (As it can damage the KBr window permanently)
Please make sure that the desiccant indicator should be a dark blue color.
If it becomes pink change the desiccant packs immediately from the
desiccant compartment.
You can regenerate the packs by pulling them into the oven at 105°C for drying
Turn ‘ON’ the RESUME
switch followed by the Power Switch when a beep is heard indicating the end of
Switch on the computer attached to FTIR,
the system is set up window automatically.
Enter User Name and Password.
Again Double click the Icon Spectra measurement to perform the measurement. It displays the following Icons
Menu Settings View Help
Click settings will display Background Measurement.
Confirm that the sample holding cell
is empty, then execute (parameter + background) from the measure menu of the
spectra measurement program.
To analyze a sample in FTIR, it is converted into a pellet by mixing it with Kbr
Set (Sample) in the(Y-axis) group to % T and (Background) to single.
Verify the Spectrum Profile on
(Background Preview). Click the OK button in the (Parameters/ Background
measurement) dialog box to start the measurement
Background Measurement is now completed.
Proceed to sample measurement
Sample measurement
the sample as per the pharmacopeia instructions and place the sample in the sample
Execute the parameter sample from the (measure) menu of the spectra measurement program
the spectrum profile on (Sample Preview) and click the <OK> button when
OK to start measurement.
the measurement is completed, the spectra analysis program starts automatically
and this completes the sample measurement.
Saving a Spectrum Execute (Save as) from the (File) menu. Specify the file type as [Jasco Std (JSW)] from (list files of type)
the destination directory and enter the file name. Click the <OK> button.
completes the saving of spectrum data in a file
Maintain Log Book of FTIR on XYZ/CQA/SOP-040/FR-01 LOGBOOK OF FTIR (Appendix I)
Calibration of FTIR as per USP
Wave NUMBER Verification (USING
Operate the Instrument as per the operating procedure shown above.
Ensure that the instrument is clean and free from dust and kept comfortably on a table.
Ensure the power supply is 220 V.
Ensure that there is no
vibration-forming device kept near the instrument.
Carry out a background as per the Operation of FTIR.
Now put polystyrene film 1.5 Mil in the sample compartment and click ok. After competition the scanning click Yes and
mark the peak from the Analyze menu and click the Find peak, then verify the
Wave number.
3060.0 (+1.0)
2849.5 (+1.0)
1942.9 (+1.0)
1601.2 (+1.0)
1583.0 (+1.0)
1154.5 (+1.0)
1028.3 (+1.0)
After Saving the calibration take the print from the file menu and click the Print options.
Record the Calibration Data on APL/CQA/SOP-040/FR-02
Calibration Data Sheet (Appendix II)
Check the Resolution performance of the polystyrene film of thickness approximately 35µm, by clicking on ‘’zoom’’ and zooming in the area around 1500 cm-1 to 1600 cm-1 and with the use of the ‘cursor’ click on the peak at 1583±1.0 cm-1 and valley 1589±1.0 cm-1. Again, zoom in area 2900 to 2800, and with the use of the cursor click peak 2849.5±1.0 cm-1 and valley on 2870±1.0 cm-1.
Find out the difference in Transmittance
between the depth of the trough from the minimum transmission at 1589±1.0 cm-1 to the maximum transmission at 1583±1.0 cm-1.
Acceptance criteria: The difference should be greater than 10%Transmittance.
out the difference in Transmittance between the depth of the trough from the
minimum transmission at 2870 ±1.0 cm-1 to the maximum transmission at 2849.5±1.0 cm-1
Acceptance criteria: The difference should be greater
than 18%Transmittance
Note: Note down the values from the screen only as printouts are not possible for the same
Generate the Instrument Calibration number on the calibration data sheet as INSCALXXYYZZZ. Where INS denotes Instrument, CAL denotes Calibration. XX denotes the year, YY denotes the Month ZZZ denotes the sequence number.
INS CAL: Instrument Calibration
Download:- Logbook and Appendix