Determine Purity of Terpenes, Propylene Glycol, Terpene Alcohols, and Light-Duty Cleaners

The method is used for the GLC profile of all fragrances the suppliers have a GLC profile as a reference for the products that they supply. Gas Chromatography An Overview or Profile, The test method covers the use of Gas-Liquid Photographic analysis for the following Text test methods.

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The section in the test method

Gas Photographic Profile   =         A

Determine of  Terpene Alcohols     =          B

Determine of Composition o-Phenylphenol   =   A

Determine of D-Phenothrin Tec 93% - Assay   =   A

Determine of GC Assay Permethrin 25/75     =    A

Determine of  Monoglyceride Content          =     A

Determine of  Assay Determination of Butoxyethanol =A

Determine of  Isopropyl Alcoholic-Purity GLC= A

Determine of  Distilled Fatty Acids - CompositionGLC= C

Determine of  Butoxypropanol – Purity= A

Determine of  Methoxyisopropanol-GC Assay= A

Determine of  Propylene Glycol - GC Assay =D

Determine of  Methanol Content of Alcohol Denatured= A

Determine of purity Benzene Content by GC =A

Determine of  Det of solvents in Light Duty Cleaners by GC= E

MSC2058 Checking Gas Chromatographic equipment= F


Suppliers Method for GLC profiles for their fragrances together with reference profiles produced under the test method conditions.

Health & Safety Sheet for the fragrances.

Health & Safety Data Sheets for chemical reagents used in this method.

Operation Manual for GLC.

Reference profiles are available for raw materials that have been examined by R & C in the past and reside with the laboratory that does the testing.

Definitions of Gas-Liquid Chromatography

GLC Profile -Gas-Liquid Chromatographic profile (trace) obtained when using the column packing as described in the method by the supplier or if it is an internal method the packing specified with the appropriate carrier gas and detector. Details for calibrating the instrument are described in this method.

Principal Gas-Liquid Chromatography

The various constituents of a mixture, when heated to a temperature at which they are volatile and then passed through a column using an inert carrier gas, are absorbed and released in the column packing at different rates depending on their chemical constitution. By using a detector at the end of the column, the constituents are traced as a series of peaks. By using reference materials as markers that have been passed through the column previously under the same conditions of temperature and gas flow the peaks are identified.

The trace for the raw material in the form of a chart can then be compared with a reference trace to show that the constituents are the same and are in the same proportions. By measuring the area under the peaks, the proportion of any one constituent is approximately the area under its peak divided by the total area under all the peaks. In practice, it may be necessary to use correction factors for some constituents when accuracy is required. 

The correction factors may be obtained by using reference standards and checking the analysis of a mixture of known compositions.


Reference materials are used in GLC to identify the positions of peaks and identify the size of the peak with concentration. The material needs to be selected from a reliable source and have a guarantee of its purity.

Butoxy propanol - used as a marker.

Methoxy isopropanol - used as a marker.

Ethanol 100%.

Capillary inlet evaluation sample (ref. HP 85004789).

Reagents for Gas Chromatography

Precautions: Chemicals used for gas chromatography need a much higher purity than for other analyses and must be suitable for GLC

Nitrogen - Must be suitable for Chromatography (High grade of purity).

Helium used as carrier gas purity must be suitable for GLC analysis.

Helium used as carrier gas purity must be suitable for GLC analysis.

Standard Solution: Weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg 4g of butoxy isopropanol (W1) and 4g methoxy isopropanol (W2) into 100 ml volumetric flask and makeup to the mark with distilled water.

Marker Solution: Weigh 4g ethanol to the nearest 0.1 mg in a 100 ml volumetric flask and makeup to the mark with distilled water.

Distilled water.



Gas chromatography apparatus fitted with a capillary column.

F.I.D. detector.

Capillary column (Packed as specified by the supplier or method).


Micro syringe for injection.

Determine Terpenes by gas Chromatography

Column: 2m x 4 mm ID glass column packed with 5% Carbowax 20M on diatomite CLQ (100-120 mesh)

Oven: Column: 120°C.

Injection Port 200°C.

Detector: 250°C.

Carrier gas Nitrogen at 50 ml/min.

Detector Flame ionization.

Gas Chromatography Profile | Determine of purity by gas chromatography

Determine Propylene Glycol by gas Chromatography

FID detector.

1m x 4 mm column Packed with 5% G16 on support S5.

Injection port temperature 240°C.

Detector temperature 250°C.

The column temperature is programmed at 5°C per minute from 120° to 200°.

Carrier Gas Helium.

Light Duty Cleaners 

100ml volumetric flasks.

2 ml pipettes.

30 ml vials.

Capillary GC.

Column BP1.

Oven temperature 100°C.

Injector temperature 270°C.

Detector temperature 270°C.

Carrier gas Helium at 12 psi.

Balance weighing to nearest 0.1 mg.

2 ml Pipettes.

100 ml volumetric flasks.


When comparing a raw material or finished product against a reference profile produced in the past it is essential to use the same column packing and the same conditions to make a direct comparison. If this is not possible it will be necessary to run the reference again using the column which is available. It is essential to use pure reagents suitable for GLC.

Certain compounds such as those containing chlorine will poison the detector so care should be taken not to run halogen-containing compounds with the FID detector.


The small quantities used for GLC analysis make it essential to prepare a sample that is representative of the whole unless it is planned to produce a sampling plan and analyze to find the variation across the consignment. If sampling a finished product is essential to mix well before taking the sample.

Stearic Acid Formula, Sources, Uses And Properties 

Procedure of Light-Duty Cleaners by gas chromatography

Precautions: Read health & Safety data sheets for all reagents and chemicals that you use in the analysis. Also, read the health and safety data sheet for raw materials or finished products. Read the Operations Manual for the GLC equipment and its ancillaries that you are using and heed any warnings given.


Select the conditions, column packing, and detector given in the relevant method and prepare the equipment accordingly.

Start the chromatogram.

Wait for the equipment to stabilize.

Call up the test method.

Record the chromatogram.

Compare it with the reference chromatogram.

Determine Terpene Alcohols by gas chromatography

Inject 0.1μl of sample and allow the chromatogram to run for twice the retention time of the major peak, -terpineol

The early eluting peaks are terpenes which are followed by terpene alcohols. Estimate the percentage of terpene alcohols by calculating the areas of the peaks with a corrected relative retention time greater than 0.33 concerning -terpineol.

Using the conditions specified in 7D above the approximate retention times for propylene glycol is 5.7 minutes, and for the three isomers of di propylene glycol, when present, are 8.2, 9.0, and 10.2 minutes, respectively.

Inject a suitable volume, typically about 10 μl, of propylene glycol into a suitable gas chromatograph, and record the chromatogram.

Light Duty Cleaners

Into a 30 ml vial pipette 2 ml (6E.2) of standard solution and 2 ml of marker (6E.3). Inject 0.5 μl into the GLC under the conditions listed above. Record the ratio of the ethanol peak area to the methoxy isopropanol peak area (methoxy isopropanol STD ratio) and of the ethanol peak area to the butoxy propanol peak area (Butoxy propanol STD ratio).

Into a second 30 ml vial weigh 4 g sample W3 to the nearest 0.1 mg and add by pipette 2 ml of marker solution. Inject 0.5 μl and record the peak ratios as before (Methoxy isopropanol SAMPLE ratio and Butoxy Propanol SAMPLE ratio)


General Compare the chromatogram obtained with the standard reference chromatogram.

As a general guide, there must be no more than 10% peak deviation on the peak areas obtained. For assays of purity, the limits will be stated in the specification. If the conditions are not met clean the injector and detector before repeating the operation.


Terpene alcohols, % w/w = T x 100/A

Where T = Summation of the peak areas with corrected relative retention times than 0.33 with respect to-terpineol.

A = summation of the peaks.

Distilled Fatty Acids COMPOSITION GLC C16 C18 saturated (total).

C18 Unsaturated.

Propylene Glycol

% C3H6O2 = Area of C3H6O2 Peak x 100/Total area of all peaks except air and water Light Duty Cleaners

                                         Sample ratio x W1 x 2

% Methoxy iso Propanol = ---------------------------------

                                        Standard ratio x W3

                                    Sample Ratio x W2 x 2

% Butoxy Propanol = ---------------------------------------

                                    Standard ratio x W3


A chromatogram showing the profile gives a means of showing whether all peaks are present or whether contaminants or constituents are missing. For this purpose, the chromatogram is normally better than ± 10%. If it is used for determining the purity and the appropriate calibration graphs are run and correction factors applied then an accuracy of ± 1% is possible.

13. The report shall state whether the GLC profile is satisfactory or unsatisfactory for checking fragrances. 

For purity, it will state the % of each ingredient to 1 decimal place and show whether this complies with the specification. For limit, tests report the value and state whether it complies with the specification. Gas chromatography profile to conform to suppliers' specifications as carried out by suppliers' method.

> High-performance liquid chromatography


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