Standard Operating Procedure of Laminar Air Flow

 1.1 To lay down the procedure is to provide guidelines for the LAMINAR AIR FLOW operation.


2.1 This procedure is applicable for LAF which is installed in the Microbiology laboratory of the Quality Control Department of XYZ Ltd.


3.1 Microbiologist to prepare and follow the SOP.

3.2 Head – QA & QC for implementation of SOP.

4.0  Procedure of laminar air flow

4.1 Operation and Cleaning of LAF.

4.2 Switch “OFF” the UV light.

4.3 Clean the equipment with 70% IPA solution.

4.4 Switch “ON” the “AIR” and Visible light switch situated on the control panel on the right-hand side of the instrument.

4.5 Start the spirit lamp and carry out the work.

4.6 After completion of work switch OFF the Airflow and Spirit lamp.

4.7 Clean any remaining water or waste liquid material spilled on the laminar airflow platform properly with dry cotton.

Standard operating procedure of Laminar Air flow

4.8 Clean properly the working chamber from the ceiling, followed by side glass and then the platform of the chamber with 70% IPA.

4.9 Spray sterile 70% IPA and switch OFF the visible light and the Switch ON the UV light till to start the next operation.

5.0 Precautions of Laminar Air flow operation

5.1 Take care to prevent any damage to the integrity of the filter during cleaning. In case of observation of any damage to filters, immediately inform your senior for further action.

5.2 Instrument should be cleaned when the electrical connections of the equipment are in OFF position.

5.3 Clean the LAF chamber after every operation.    


                LAF:       Laminar Air Flow

                SOP:      Standard Operating Procedure

                QA:        Quality Assurance

                QC:         Quality Control


6.1 Instruction manual

>How to determine microbial contamination of water

>Total bacteria count in process waters


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