Identification of Environmental Aspects, Health and Safety Hazards

A review of the organization is conducted by all Heads at the beginning of system & subsequent review is conducted at a frequency of once every three years to determine the environmental aspects health & Safety Hazards.

All Heads conduct  a brain storming  session  to  list  down  the  various  operations of  the company and prepare an “ INVENTORY  OF  OPERATIONS”. For this purpose documented guidelines  are followed by the team and the information generated is recorded in the aspect identification & analysis record (AIA) and hazard identification & risk analysis record (HIRA).

Aspects identification carried out considering a lifecycle perspective including acquisition of raw materials, design, production, transportation/ delivery, use, end-of-life treatment and final disposal.

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For each of the operation identified above, an analysis is carried out for inputs to the  operation and outputs / releases  from  the  operation, and all possible environmental aspects and health & Safety Hazards are identified. 

While identifying the aspects & hazards of operation in each department, the team make use of documented guide lines for identification of environmental aspects and health & Safety hazards. The results of aspect & hazards are recorded and maintained.

The team then debate and discuss the impact/ risk rating as per the criteria to determine the total ratings of all identified aspects & hazards. The significant/unacceptable aspects & hazards are selected on the basis of criteria defined in the above instruction

Updating Information 

All Heads keep track of any changes w.r.t. organisation, equipment /machine, process, material including temporary change or incident/accident taking place and their impacts on operations, processes and activities. 

This is considered at each stage for complete design & development of product / services. In case of any such instances taking place, they get the operation inventory  modified through the MR, who then initiate the process of identifying changes in relevant aspects & hazards and their impacts/ risks, as per the process above. 

This may require revisions of aspects & hazards, regulatory requirements and impact/risk rating. Any new/ modified aspect/hazard is noted on amendment sheet on the same format of AIA & HIRA, reflecting date of incorporation of new/ modified aspect/hazard; all these are regularised at the time of comprehensive review after three years.

PROCESS OUTPUTS: Aspect identification & analysis record (AIA) and hazard identification & risk analysis record (HIRA).



List of all contractors working on site is maintained. Based  on  the  performance  of  existing  contractors  who  had  been  delivering satisfactory services to the company for the past one year and above have been listed. 

Any new contractor to be hired for services is selected by the HOS & approved & V.P. (O) by comparing the contractor’s skill with the job requirement. For this purpose he may consult the other user HODs. The records of contractors’ assessment are maintained in the contractors file by the HOD (Personnel).

All approved contractors are issued a copy of relevant instructions along with the issue of contract. All existing approved contractors have also been supplied with the copy of such instructions. Any changes / amendments made in instructions of contractors are requiring a fresh copy to be issued to the contractor by MR.

For contractors working at site, the copy of such instructions are displayed at relevant places for reference by them during use and the respective HOD monitor their performance on day-to-day basis. Contractors or his employees working on site are provided training as per the process of HRD and records are kept.

All HOD’s ensure conveying complete requirements to contractors and suppliers through contract agreement/ indent/purchase order affecting quality, environment & safety to the contractors and suppliers of new plant, equipment, materials, chemicals, technologies, process, procedures, work pattern etc. 

On receipt of deliveries compliance is verified as per receipt inspection plan (P-E040-01), in case of any non compliance matter is taken up with the supplier suitably and records are kept. All visitors are informed the environment, health, safety & emergency related issues by the security & respective head

PROCESS OUTPUTS: Control of activities of contractors formatting the requirements of EHS management system

Other Topic >

>Environmental Health & Safety Procedure Manual

>Environmental health safety | EHS policy for company

>Guidelines for Identification of Issues (Environmental Aspects and Health & Safety Risks)


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